Common Misconceptions about Antidepressants

The main focus of this article was the effects of antidepressants and the common misconceptions that come with the use of antidepressants. For example, one of the most prominent misconceptions about depression in general, is that those who struggle with depression have lower levels of seratonin than those who don’t. When in reality, it is not the serotonin levels that are necessarily impacted, which created controversy over the use of antidepressents. One of the main purposes of antidepressents is to stimulate the serotonin in the brain, and create higher levels of it. However, because this is not actually the case, many people began to question if taking the antidepressants (Which have significant side effects) was even worth it in the first place, because now what they had believed to have been the case in terms of what the drugs were doing, is not actually the case. This encouraged many people to want to get off the medication, but doctors warned them of the heavy side effects that come with this decision. For example, getting off the medication can actually make your depression worse than it was before getting on the medication. 


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